Behind The Magician's Curtain - Dan America takes you behind the ring apron

I Know Dalton Castle... yes, that Dalton Castle....

While I was attending The New School of Radio and Television in Albany, NY. I learned about Dalton Castle because he was a local DJ. Dalton was appearing in a lot local indie shows at the time and I was volunteering to be apart of NSRT’s live talk show that broadcasted to the city of Albany, so we had Dalton as a guest on the show. 

Dalton is a great guy, who’s funny switch is constantly on, like his gimmick is not his gimmick at all but who he actually is, which made him an awesome guest on the show.

Unfortunately, fate would have it that I completely embarrassed myself on live TV, thankfully only the people of Albany could see it and our audience was not that big. During the interview I asked Dalton if Zang He from Dynasty Warriors was an influence on his character because of his Peacock persona and he had no idea what I was talking about. 

I started doing Stand Up Comedy toward the end the Radio course at NSRT and found out that Dalton did Stand Up as well so I told him about a local open-mic I was performing at and he showed up and did a set. Months after I graduated from NSRT, when I was being interviewed for Q103 Dalton popped in the Station Managers office toward the end and gave me a enthusiastic thumbs up, so I knew I got the job.

I started working at Q103 six months after graduating from NSRT. It’s not the most glamorous job being a Board Operator, especially when you’re station is an affiliate to a syndicated Morning Show, I also blog and do comedic videos for the radio station and get to interview wrestlers when they come in. 

Dalton was on his way out when I got in though, so I only worked at the same station as him for a short time. 


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